1Y CMS EUR-Satz Floater Note

Current price (Bid / Ask)Date: 22.10.2024, 14:35:39

  • 97.560 %
  • 98.560 %
  • Performance abs.+0.280 %
  • Performance in %+0.288 %
  • Month high (bid)97.620 %
  • Month low (bid)97.280 %

Base data

Ratio1 : 1
Product typeFloater Notes
Underlying(Underlying Name)1Y CMS EUR-Satz
Issuing volume1,000,000,000
Issue date16/06/2020
Upfront subscription sales charge1.00 %
Capital Guaranteed Level (%)100.00%
Total volume100

Key Data

Exercise styleEuropean


Current Price
+/- in %

Base Prospectus

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